The #VRWC Report: Trick or Treat for UNICEF’s Elite

UN Auditor: UNICEF keeps up to 61 cents of every dollar for “administration.” Those ubiquitous orange boxes help feed fat cat bureaucrats, not poor Third World kids.

Obamacare is contagious: Britain’s NHS can’t get their socialized medicine website to work right either.

Gator Doug wants someone to give Sean Penn his address. Please. Hilarity will ensue.

Not racism: Virginia Democrats white-face a black man.

Today’s Pro-Choice Poster Girl is brought to you by Lower Saucon Township, Pennsylvania.

If you like your current health plan — get over it.

If you enroll in Medicaid via you can’t get out of it. Ever.

If you like your cancellation letter, you can keep it.

“Hello, Obamacare hotline, this is Peggy.”

Texas GOP Poll: “Generic” Tea Party challenger beats Senator John Cornyn 46% to 33%.

3D printed zombies!

The cookie-cutter curriculum that is Common Core.

Retro advertising, I’m pretty sure we’re buying what she’s selling!

The Obamacare postage stamp. Yes, it’s a Forever Stamp.

(Cross-posted from

Georgetown University is catholic in name only

Contrary to popular belief, the Roman Catholic Church does not condone shilling for abortion.

A Washington D.C.-based private Catholic university is slated to offer a class next semester that is expected to teach students how to promote and protect abortion coverage provided under the Affordable Care Act.

The course, “Regulatory Advocacy: Women and the Affordable Care Act,” is set to be taught at Georgetown Law, and it has upset staunch Catholics, according to The Cardinal Newman Society, which first reported on the new academic offering.

“We have long warned about Georgetown scandals that undermine the Church’s strong defense of innocent life,” Patrick Reilly, society president, told Catholic Education Daily. “But here students are being required to work for a pro-abortion lobby, making America’s oldest Catholic university an active agent of the culture of death.”

The course will hone in on “regulatory advocacy as it pertains to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and women’s health,” and calls on students to work with the National Women’s Law Center “to develop projects that will assist in the organization’s regulatory advocacy efforts.” The law center publicly supports Obamacare and its mandate requiring religious institutions provide insurance coverage for abortions and other birth control.

The Jesuits of Georgetown would do well to reacquaint themselves with Canon 915.

Before you vote to raise the minimum wage, meet your new robot barista

Some well-intentioned, but extremely misguided social engineers are determined to mandate annual increases in the minimum wage by amending New Jersey’s state constitution. But there’s something these “living wage” nuts don’t understand. Economics. When robots are cheaper than people, people won’t have jobs.

Move over baristas, here’s a robot that does your job better than you ever could.

The price of automation keeps going down.

And yet the goo-goos want the price of people to keep going up.

At some point the robot offers better value.

My guess is, that point is “now.”

John Boehner, Putz

The Weeper Of The House folded like a cheap lawn chair.

The endgame will arrive a little sooner than expected, thanks to a deal cut with John Boehner to take the first plunge on a bipartisan plan to end the budget standoff before the theoretical debt-ceiling limit gets breached.  Instead of the Senate taking up the proposal from Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell first, Boehner will allow a vote — without amendments — and have it pass with Democrats making up the difference from expected opposition from conservatives.

He can’t help it. It’s who he is. No balls. No guts.

Of course it didn’t help that Mitch McConnell sold him out to Dingy Harry.

Primary both their traitorous asses. Please.

Cory Booker’s Urban Paradise Update: 3 murders in 20 hours today

The bodies might not be literally floating in the Passaic River, but they’re still dead.

That makes 4 homicides in 3 days. 77 so far this year.

Where’s Cory? Oh, yeah, he’s busy. Running away from Newark. Hoping you’ll ignore his abysmal record as mayor and promote him to the U.S. Senate.

Here’s a better idea. Let Cory Booker fix Newark first. Then he can run on his achievements. Some day in the future when he, you know, has actual achievements to run on.

Steve Lonegan for U.S. Senate! He’s also a mayor, and his record speaks for itself.

Yes, if Obamacare is indeed so wonderful, Obama, Biden, and Sebelius should be in it

That’s Congressman Darrell Issa’s take.

“If the President thinks so well of Obamacare and the Vice President thinks so well of Obamacare he should be in it,” Rep. Darrell Issa said.

 “For sebelius not to be in Obamacare and not feel the pain of its complete and total failure to perform at the scheduled levels is a good example where…it might very well be good for them to be in the affordable Care Act and find out that when you go online you can’t get online.”

There’s an idea! Make the head cheerleaders for Obamacare feel the pain of Obamacare.

Maybe then they’ll understand why the GOP keeps trying to repeal it.

And not for nothing, but the law actually requires them to enroll in an Obamacare Exchange. Really.  He just decided he was Above The Law, and he exempted himself.

The original 2010 Obamacare law barred members of Congress and their personal staffs from continuing to get employer subsidies – worth $5,000 for individual policies and $11,000 or more for family coverage – because they would be buying coverage from the health-care exchanges, where employer subsidies are banned.

When congressional leaders realized what they had done, they chose not to fix it through legislation, because that would have been highly visible fodder for negative campaign ads. Instead, they asked President Obama to direct the Office of Personnel Management to rule that members of Congress and their staffs could continue to get government subsidies even as they bought coverage in the exchanges. Obama did just that in the middle of the August congressional recess, when few were paying attention. Note that in this case the “employer” is the government, so if subsidies are allowed, they would be paid by taxpayers

In another legally dubious move, OPM declared Congress to be the equivalent of a business with fewer than 50 employees, in order to evade parts of Obamacare. That’s another special treatment – no other bigger business gets to claim it is merely lots of little businesses.

I guess pointing those facts out is racist or something.


Where does Cory Booker live? Maybe he’s bunking with T-Bone!

The New York Post broke the story. And Steve Lonegan is running with it. Cory Booker, the Twitteriffic Mayor of Newark, NJ, may not, in fact, live in Newark.

The house where he says he lives? It’s a police station.

Oh, but he moved.

Two weeks ago.

During the grueling U.S. Senate campaign, while preparing for debates and jetting between New Jersey and Hollywood.

If you can believe that.

First Cory invented an imaginary drug dealer friend named T-Bone.

Now he seems to have invented an imaginary residence in the city he pretends to run.

How do you spell “carpetbagger?”

Because I spell it “C-O-R-Y  B-O-O-K-E-R”.

Steve Lonegan for U.S. Senate! He actually lives in New Jersey!

Obama as Nixon: White House and IRS traded confidential taxpayer info to attack Tea Party groups

Anything to win an election, right?

Top Internal Revenue Service Obamacare official Sarah Hall Ingram discussed confidential taxpayer information with senior Obama White House officials, according to 2012 emails… Lois Lerner, then head of the IRS Tax Exempt Organizations division, also received an email alongside White House officials that contained confidential information.

Ingram attempted to counsel the White House on a lawsuit from religious organizations opposing Obamacare’s contraception mandate. Email exchanges involving Ingram and White House officials — including White House health policy advisor Ellen Montz and deputy assistant to the president for health policy Jeanne Lambrew — contained confidential taxpayer information, according to Oversight.

Remember when using the IRS for political gain was considered an impeachable offense?

What’s the over / under on when Obama is forced to say, “I am not a crook”?