Wherein Kelley, Rodgers, and Schmidt respond! With “Go away, peasant”

Well they did promise to “return” phone calls. They didn’t promise a substantive response. And as it turns out, they’re not interested in answering my questions.

Here’s their email to me:

Dear Mr. Wysocki,

Thank you for your inquiry. We prefer to work directly with the press to get our message across. You are welcome to access our information on our website: kelleyrodgersschmidt.com which is available to all. There are also links to recent press coverage of our campaign which will be continually updated.

We have made a pledge to run a civil campaign and intend to keep it that way. We feel strongly that political discourse, as with any conversation, should be one grounded on respect and facts. Upon looking at your blog, it is clear that it is not the kind of impartial platform that would be receptive to our messaging.

That being said, we are having a meet the candidates event at Rock ’n Joes this Sunday from 9:30 – 11:00 AM and we would be more than happy to have a conversation with you in person.

Yours sincerely,

Kelley, Rodgers, Schmidt

Got that? Go read our website you peon. You’re not our kind of guy so we don’t feel like talking to you. Unless you do it on our terms, then maybe we’ll deign to share our munificence, if you kiss the ring and kneel before Zod first.

So beware Caldwell. These guys aren’t even elected yet and they’re already way too sanctimonious. Can you imagine how they’ll be if they win?

Constituent: Hi, I have some questions.

Kelley, Rodgers, Schmidt: Take a number, stand in line when it’s convenient for us, and if we decide you’re worthy enough we’ll pretend to care about your issue. Maybe.

But then, that’s the M-O of their zampolit, Councilman Jonathan Lace, who only lowers himself to interact with the common folk during “virtual office hours,” usually every Wednesday between 8:30 and 9:30 PM, which is when he says he’s available to answer email. Except he too blows me off because he’s got thinner skin than an onion and he’s apparently never been exposed to sarcasm before. Also he doesn’t like tough questions.

I’m not sure sure where that lies on the “civility” and “respect” scale, but hey, there you go. Or as the great Kurt Schlichter put it:

Civility, once properly understood as a means to an end rather than an end in and of itself, has morphed from an aspiration into a political/cultural gimp suit designed to prevent you from effectively asserting your interests and your point of view.

For liberals, civility is a grift – they think it’s a punchline and they’re waiting to laugh at you for embracing it. It’s a way to keep you from interrupting their non-stop attacks on your rights, your faith, and your dignity by convincing you that it’s somehow wrong to get upset when, say, some Astroturf Tot backed up by a bunch of leftist Red Guard orgs like Planned Parenthood and Move On starts shrieking that you have blood on your hands.

These guys lecture me about civility and then turn around and embrace Cory Booker who flat out stated that Republicans are evil incarnate, not long after he furiously browbeat Kirstjen Neilson on national television and then bragged about it on Twitter in what obviously passes for “civility” over at Caldwell Democrat HQ.

Bottom line. When Caldwell’s Democrats say “civility,” they mean “obfuscate.” They don’t want to answer my questions because then they’ll expose just how radically left-wing they really are. So I’ll answer for them. Questions 1, 2, and 4 are about taxes. Here’s the scoop, they’re gonna raise our taxes faster than you can say “I told you so.” Comrade Lace dreams of imposing a local income tax in Caldwell, and with a Democrat council majority he’ll get it. As for question 3 (making Caldwell a “sanctuary city”), of course that’s the plan. Illegal aliens before taxpayers, it’s what every Democrat everywhere wants. And on question 5 (legalized marijuana sales), they’re chomping at the bit for that one too. It’s why they were so happy to trumpet their endorsement by Stephen Modica, the former Democratic party council candidate who got busted for possession.

I guess they figure if we’re all stoned we won’t notice how they’re running our town into the ground.

One thought on “Wherein Kelley, Rodgers, and Schmidt respond! With “Go away, peasant”

  1. Pingback: Civility? Don’t count on it if Kelley, Rodgers, and Schmidt take over Borough Hall | He's pretty fly for a Jersey guy

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