Shutdown the government! Maybe then Harry Reid will agree to debate an actual budget

He hasn’t debated one you know. Not since 2009. Since then it’s been this “Continuing Resolution” claptrap. Stopgap funding measures without any rhyme or reason.

At some point We The People need to tell Dingy Harry to do his damn job.

So, why not now?

Here’s a simple question: Why are we currently funding the federal government through a series of short-term measures known as “continuing resolutions”?

The answer is that the budgeting process has completely broken down in recent years, and the two men most responsible for that breakdown are President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. For three consecutive years — 2010, 2011, and 2012 — the Democrat-controlled Senate did not pass a budget bill because Reid knew that it would be a political liability to do so. Passing a budget that detailed the Democrats’ plans for spending and revenue as official policy would have exposed the “something for nothing” swindle that Reid and his colleagues are perpetrating on the American people. Republican challengers campaigning against Democrat senators could have cited their votes for the budget bill, saying that the incumbent voted for this, that, or the other unpopular component of the measure.

Reid and the Democrats knew this. They knew very well that the federal deficit was spiraling out of control, that there was not enough tax revenue to pay the mushrooming cost of entitlement programs (Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, unemployment, et cetera), and certainly there wasn’t enough revenue to pay for all the boondoggles and giveaways the Democrats voted for in the name of “stimulus.” Adding to this, there was not enough revenue to pay the cost of Obamacare, which Democrats rammed through Congress in March 2010 on a party-line vote. Passing an actual budget would have made clear the unsustainable fiscal nightmare into which Democrat policies have plunged the nation during the Obama Age, and so Harry Reid simply didn’t pass a budget for three years. . . .

Americans deserve to know the truth.

The Pony Express plans to raise the price of stamps by 3 cents

The next time you mail a letter, it’ll be for the low, low price of 49 cents. When it absolutely, positively has to be there by sometime next week.

The financially struggling Postal Service is seeking a 3-cent increase in the cost of mailing a letter — and that would raise the price of a first-class stamp to 49 cents.

The chairman of the postal Board of Governors, Mickey Barnett, cites the “precarious financial condition” of the agency and the uncertain prospects for postal overhaul legislation in Congress.

The agency expects to lose $6 billion this year.

Can these guys manage their finances, or what?

Remember this the next time someone tries telling you how Obamacare is gonna save you money.

US consumer confidence dips as jobs outlook dims

I forget, is this the Hope or the Change?

Americans’ confidence in the economy fell slightly in September from August, as many became less optimistic about hiring and pay increases over the next six months.

The Conference Board, a New York-based private research group, says its consumer confidence index dropped to 79.7 in September. That’s down from August’s reading of 81.8.

At least they didn’t say “unexpectedly.” Because by now we all know what to expect while Obama is still president.

Absentee Mayor Cory Booker is on track to be NJ’s Absentee Senator

What do you expect? The guy can’t even bother to show up at his own campaign rally.

When the mayor of Chicago and the mayor of Jersey City appear together Friday to stump for Cory Booker, their collective firepower should be enough to rally Booker’s supporters.

It will have to be, because Booker won’t be there.

The Newark mayor and Democratic U.S. Senate candidate will be at the Temple Night Club in San Francisco at a fundraiser held by the “San Francisco Young Professionals for Cory Booker.”

So tell me BookerBots, what are the odds Cory will show up in DC when New Jersey needs him?

My guess is he’ll be working the phones to California. You know, the state he’s actually running to represent.

Introducing Obamacare – The Game: Everybody has to play, Nobody ever wins

Here’s a new board game that’s sure to be fun for the whole family.

Politics has never been so much fun! A Louisville entrepreneur has turned headlines into happy times with his whimsical creation, Obamacare – The Game.

“Unlike Congress, you don’t have to play Obamacare to know what’s in it,” mused game creator Jack LeFeber. “Whatever your politics, you’ll love the creative insanity that only a government bureaucracy can cobble together. It’s fun, educational and a little scary, all at the same time.”

With wry humor, LeFeber has taken the staggering complexity of the more than 10,000-page Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and transformed it into a satirical board game that perfectly skewers legislative absurdity and partisan infighting.

Obamacare – The Game features a colorful layout, creative action cards, and a style of play that humorously points out the impact the health care overhaul will have on the American middle class. Players can choose to be Democrats, Republicans, Tea Party, Green Party or Occupy Wall Street members, as well as an added player with a distinct advantage – The IRS. You don’t have to know all the details of the bill to enjoy the game.

Each player starts out as a small business owner (except the Occupy Wall Streeters, who are unemployed). Along the way, you are taxed, troubled, hospitalized, or may even fall victim to a Death Panel as you make your way across the board.

“We may have added some funny exaggerations in the game,” adds LeFeber with a smile. “But since the original bill was brought to you by the same folks who so efficiently manage the US Postal Service, Social Security Trust Fund, recent Bank Bailouts, and soon-to-be $17,000,000,000,000.00 in government debt…you know the game is rigged against us from the start.”

It’s the perfect Kwanzaa gift for the Obamabots on your list.


Google knows nearly every wifi password in the world

Because Android automatically uploads wifi passwords to Google’s servers. Where they’re stored in an easily retrievable format.

The bad news is that, like any American company, Google can be compelled by agencies of the U.S. government to silently spill the beans.

When it comes to Wi-Fi, the NSA, CIA and FBI may not need hackers and cryptographers. They may not need to exploit WPS or UPnP. If Android devices are offering up your secrets, WPA2 encryption and a long random password offer no protection.

I doubt that Google wants to rat out their own customers. They may simply have no choice. What large public American company would? Just yesterday, Marissa Mayer, the CEO of Yahoo, said executives faced jail if they revealed government secrets. Lavabit felt there was a choice, but it was a single person operation.

Translation? Since Google knows your wifi password, so does Barack Obama and the NSA.

Takes one to know one: Bob Menendez calls Syrian president a “pathological liar”

Pot, meet kettle.

Dismissing claims made by President Bashar al-Assad that military forces did not use chemical weapons against his own people, U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today called the Syrian leader “a pathological liar.”

“I think he will say anything in order to avoid the attack,” Menendez (D-N.J.) said after an event on the Rutgers University campus here, adding, “I don’t know war criminals who come forward and say, ‘Yes, I committed the act.’”

That Bob, he’s such a funny guy. Look in the mirror Bob. That face you see? He’ll “say anything” to avoid accountability too.

And not for nothing, but maybe Bob should be talking about his president. You know, the real pathological liar, currently occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Cory Booker was against bombing Syria before he was for it but now he’s sorta against it again

Poor Cory Booker. He can’t make up his mind.

Three different positions on bombing Syria. In one week!

Position #1: Last Wednesday, 8/28/13, Newark’s part-time YouTube celebrity/mayor/socialite/SNAP chef/friend of Oprah Cory Booker (D-Twitter) told HuffPost Live that the U.S. “should not be going to war” or “unleashing missiles” in Syria. No ambiguity there.

Position #2: Mere days later, on Saturday 8/31/13, Booker reversed himself and deferred to POTUS, stating that “[a]s part of the process of working with Congress, I expect that the president will clearly delineate what the strategic objectives are, and what limited military action will specifically achieve in Syria.”

Position #3: Today, Wednesday 9/4/13, he told PolitickerNJ that he has “a lot of thoughts about Syria but now is not the time.”

The week’s not over yet Cory. Care to “evolve” again? How about next week? Will that be The Time?

Decisiveness! It’s a Cory Booker hallmark!

Cory Booker’s Urban Paradise: 9 murders in 9 days

They’re stacking the bodies like cordwood in Newark, NJ.

A woman was killed and another man injured in a double shooting near a playground in Newark’s South Ward Tuesday night, marking the city’s ninth homicide in as many days, prosecutors and neighbors said.

The double shooting continued a surge of gun violence that has left nine dead since Aug. 26, including a pizza delivery man who was shot before his car crashed into a building Sunday night. None of the killings were related, according to Police Director Samuel DeMaio.

Just random violence, in Cory Booker’s Urban Paradise. Where the gun control laws are draconian, the police are out-gunned, the citizenry are hunkered down behind barricaded doors, and the Rock Star Mayor is too busy sucking up to Oprah Winfrey to notice.

I for one can’t wait for him to bring that record of success to the U.S. Senate. Can you?