Vote like your country depends on it

Today is election day. This is it. We must repudiate the Democrats’ insanity. Because if the words “Speaker Pelosi” don’t scare you, nothing will.

Take it from Sarah Hoyt:

Nobody knows anything, but dear LORD.  Even if you hate your local GOP knucklehead, even if he is a RINO loser…. do you want Nancy “Grey Goose” Pelosi in charge of the House again?  Do you want those idiots on the left to think — as they have since they successfully demonized the squishy GWB — that they need to keep turning up the insanity and drama and lies? They’re already too crazy. Worse, do you want them to enact their contract on America, from higher taxes to throttling our energy production? Are you NOSTALGIC for the Obama years?

I for one would like a chance to dig myself out of the financial hole those years left me in.

Vote for your local Republican knucklehead. Even if you’d like someone better.  You go to war with the underwear you got on.  Vote against the democrat lunatics. It’s important.

Vote RED. The alternative is more Alexandria Occasional-Cortex.

WyBlog endorses Jay Webber for the GOP nod in NJ-11

You didn’t really think I’d give up on passing out the coveted WyBlog endorsements, did you?

And contrary to the Essex County Establishment RINOs I whole-heartedly endorse Jay Webber to replace Rodney Frelinghuysen as our congressman. Look, Tony Ghee might be a Really Nice Guy. But he’s been a Republican for what, 15 minutes? He voted for Obama fer Chrissakes, twice! Does that engender confidence in his conservative bona fides?

No. It does not. Plus the Star-Ledger tried to write a negative assessment of Jay and it came off sounding almost like something his campaign team would put out.

The polished veteran lawmaker has done some solid work in the Assembly, notably the recent “pass the trash” bill that prevents teachers accused of sexual misconduct from getting other teaching jobs. But he is a Trump enthusiast by any measure, supporting the GOP tax cut and the Obamacare repeal, and he refers to Trump opposition as “outlier extremism.” His own record is an outlier anywhere outside of Alabama: Webber has voted against virtually every gun control measure, voted to defund Planned Parenthood, and his contribution to the health care debate was a bill that allows the purchase of cheap policies out-of-state, which would have destroyed our market. He also rejected equal pay for women as an “anti-employer bill.” Chris Christie once called him the “future” of the GOP in our state. The future has arrived, and it’s a fright.

Aside from the gratuitous swipe at Alabama (Roll Tide!) I don’t see anything there that would make me NOT like Jay Webber:

On Team Trump? Check!

Supports tax cuts? Check!

Repeal Obamacare? Check!

Knows who the opposition really is (“outlier extremists”)? Check!

Pro Second Amendment? Check!

Pro Life? Check!

Free market health care? Check!

Not hoodwinked by the “equal pay” chimera? Check!

A man for the future! The Star-Ledger said so! Except they’re afraid of the future because it doesn’t include very many Democrats and their stuck-on-stupid policies. Everything they deride about Jay stands as mainstream thought in most of the country outside of the coastal enclaves inhabited by our media elites. Get out more fellas, and discover life beyond the Acela Express. You’ll find people who believe in limited government, individual liberty, free markets, constitutional rights, religious freedom, and secure borders. People like Jay Webber. And me.

Jay Webber for Congress. It’s the right choice for our district. It’s the right choice for America.

In a stunning lack of self-awareness, Hillary asks “Why is there one standard for me and not for everybody else?”

Uh, maybe because “everybody else” who’s ever mishandled classified information like you did has gone to prison?

Which, alas, isn’t what she was talking about.

Hillary Clinton pushed back on questions over the transcripts of her paid speeches during a televised Democratic town hall Tuesday, asking, “Why is there one standard for me and not for everybody else?”

The former secretary of state has been criticized for her paid speeches, including three for Goldman Sachs that earned her $675,000. During a town hall in Nevada last week, she said she would release transcripts of the speeches “when everybody else does the same.”

Clinton echoed that promise again during CNN’s town hall on Tuesday, saying she’d release the speeches “if everybody does it, and that includes the Republicans.”

There’s a double standard for her alright, and she knows it. In fact, she’s counting on it. And her media lapdogs will do everything they can to perpetuate it, hoping against hope that they’ll be able to drag her over the finish line and into the White House.